I Let Colin Pick Out My Clothes For a Week

Hello fellow humans,

A fantastic person named Colin (I'm biased) decided to help me create the first cool idea for this blog. 

It is.... *drum roll please* 

Colin is going to pick out my outfits for a week straight.

AND SINCE I AM SUCH A REBEL, I decided to start on a THURSDAY. Also, I'm going to be exercising this week, so I might as well add weight and date to the photo. 

Here we go!


I was pleasantly surprised with this outfit. One thing you must learn about me: I have to wear ridiculous socks, and Colin got that right on POINT. As for everything else, he actually made me wear things that I never wore in my closet. 

Black V Neck Shirt (Arizona) with a tank top underneath (of course).
Leggings Skirt (adjustable size)
Black Leggings
The My Melody Socks.

I really liked this outfit. It was comfortable, and the legging skirt kept me warm all day. I'm not used to wearing this much color--and at first I felt a bit insecure about it. The black leggings were wonderful, since its well... black. Also the My Melody socks allowed a safe haven for me.  I think Colin really took my personal style into consideration. I felt exposed but not in a bad way.


The first thought I had was "Oh my goodness. The bear is eating my pants," but it ended up being a cute reflection of my personality. I am a very "punny" person. I will laugh at a stupid pun for 45 minutes straight just because I get the joke. 

For example....

Why couldn't the bike stand up?

*Holds in laugh... fails dramatically* 

45 Minutes Later.

*Clears Throat*

Black Bear Frozen Yogurt T- Shirt (From my old job)
Gingerbread man Christmas leggings from Colin's mom. 
Orange M&M Socks. 

I can clearly tell the theme of today's outfit: Food. 

I can only say one thing.

Well played.

The plus side? I was REALLY comfy. I got my weird socks, a black T-Shirt, and I got to wear leggings. I am also starting to realize that having someone help you select clothes for the day make your day a little bit easier. It's definitely a time saver. 

Special Quote of the day:

"Tell him how much i LOVE this outfit. It's bold and so out of your comfort zone. You pull it off nicely"
--My Financial Aid advisor

 Special shout out to my pup, who wanted to make this picture even cuter. <3


I requested Colin to give me a warm and comfy outfit, especially since I feel under the weather, and I had a 8 hour class to go to today. He didn't fail to provide that for me.

I really got the 90s/early 2000s vibe with this outfit. The long sleeve shirt with the T shirt over it. It was warm and extremely comfy. The leggings were warm, and practical. The shirt kind of showed my blubber, but it just exposes myself more to be more open about myself. It's also motivating to see the blubber instead of hiding it--so you actually do something about it.

I could easily workout in this outfit-- and I think I am going to. I think my pup would appreciate a run on such a nice day. 

Snowflake long sleeve
BB-8 T Shirt
Black Leggings
Piggy Socks
BRIGHT sneaker


Hey guys. I'm sorry for being a party pooper, but the weekly challenge will continue starting tomorrow and end on SATURDAY now. 

I caught the flu, and I have been sweating through clothes left and right. I think in the last two days, I sweat through 10 comfy outfits. I have ONE set of PJs left, which is a tragedy in my book. 

Anyways guys. I have slept non stop for the last few days, (or try to) and I'm still sleepy. This flu is crazy. I haven't stopped thinking of you guys, though.

I decided I want to take up a vote between TWO ideas for my next challenge.

I've noticed that I've exercised more since doing this challenge (and I haven't touched the ice cream in over a week!!). Charlie seems to be a lot happier, although the flu is a set back. 

So here is the vote!! (You have to either make a Blogspot account to vote, and please comment below OR text me at 253-234-9451). 

Cook Healthy Food for a Week vs. Run a Mile a Day for a Week

All votes are final by SATURDAY at 3 PM Pacific Standard Time.  


Good morning everyone. It is about 4:40 am, and before I actually explain about the outfit (which will be updated many hours later), my coughing from my illness has woken me up and I have done a lot of thinking. 

A few amazing things have happened in the past few days. I don't know if it's because of the exercise habits, taking multivitamins, or just overall the stress levels going down--but Charlie has been pretty flat (like a normal neck) for about two days now. I find this astonishing, especially since he likes to get grumpy during the sick days. 

Another amazing thing--my hands use to be extremely dry, in fact my hands were red and bleeding at times, no matter how much lotion I put on. I woke up this morning, astonished that my hands were a normal tint and a much healthier! Whatever I am doing, I need to keep doing it. This is just another example of how simple changes in life make a BIG difference. I've been struggling with dry skin on my hands for MONTHS.(The over dramatic story ideas were running out).

I also wanted to give a personal shout out to Colin, for helping me pick out outfits and helping take care of me through these sick days. He has done three very special things for me,  especially in this last week. He has helped make a huge difference in my health. Colin, I can't thank you enough.

Oh? You want me to tell you those three things huh? Haha. I kid. I kid. Here are the THREE FANTASTIC THINGS Colin did for me. 

1. On top of helping me pick out outfits, he has told me bedtime stories every night to help me rest. I pass out like a light! Especially on my sick days where I called him multiple times a day--since my coughs, my nose or my throat would keep me awake, he would tell me a bedtime story over and over again. My favorite story is called a Hamilton the Hamster, which was the go to story when I couldn't sleep. Hamilton the Hamster

He'd make stories up on the REALLY rough days. I don't know how he does it, but he should be a professional. 

2. My pillows were EXTREMELY flat, like...paper flat. I was having neck pain but I didn't say anything. Colin had bought me pillows WAY before this challenge had even began, and he brought them to me when I got sick. I sleep MUCH better now. (It's not the pillows fault that I cough!)
3.  He is overall such a patient person. There are days when I am happy, bubbly, optimistic. However, there are times where people just get to me. I'm only human. He's been the go to person, and he has always found a way to make me laugh. I don't how he does it- but thank you so much.

Colin, thanks for dealing with me through my antics. I feel like I have grown closer to you since doing this challenge with you. Charlie and I both appreciate you greatly. 

Alright, enough with my sap. HERE IS THE OUTFIT OF THE DAY.

Black knitted shirt (It was 5 dollars!) 
Floral Leggings (Also 5 dollars!)
Gray and White socks (Err. I don't know how many dollars! Lol)

Another comfy, and practical outfit for a sick person. I am still coughing, but I decided to go out to get some homework done. This outfit did the job! It was cute, too!


I didn't sleep well last night. Thus, I told Colin that I wanted an ultra comfy outfit that would allow me to stay in, and possibly get some extra sleep if need be. The original idea was to wear some jeans today, but because I had a rough night, he wanted a ultra happy outfit that would hopefully be contagious.

Super Mario Shirt with tons of smiley faces.
Snow Meh (Men) leggings with tons of smiley faces. 
Bright socks to brighten my day. 


Colin took me out to the movies, so he wanted me to wear something warm and cozy. Movie theaters are COLD. We both wanted to see the new Star Wars movie. It was a great movie, I really enjoyed it!!! 

I will be cooking dinner with my best friends Clarissa and Randy today. We are going to make chicken soup and rice. I'm really excited for it. Today should be a fun day! 

Gray Knitted Sweater Shirt
Blue Jeans
Cozy White Socks 


Good morning everyone. I love you guys so much that I took a photo at 6 am, and now blogging at 7 am right before I need to leave to work.

As I have spoiled, today is a work day, which means....WORK CLOTHES.

A very simple, but very comfy outfit selected by none other by Colin himself is going to give me wonders of comfort in the work place--especially since I will be on the floor the majority of the shift organizing and pinning dress shirts (and making fancy displays). 

I work as a Dress Shirt Specialist, but I also do other jobs within the department store I work at. I have another job (Piano Teacher) and I go to college full time. Today though, I'll be working at my dress shirt job. 

Blue Knitted Button Up Shirt 
Pink Tanktop 
Black Leggings (Since pockets are not allowed). 

Have a good day everyone! 


This is the last day! It's also Colin's BIRTHDAY! 


Today was a very long day for me, I had an eight hour class, and I am exhausted. You can probably tell because of the picture, since I couldn't take one until after class. 

This outfit was comfy, but it was also really simple. I'm honestly surprised Colin didn't dress me up in something fancier for his birthday, but I won't complain--I was comfy.  Also in his defense...I didn't have many clothes left. 

The last conversation went like this:

Eri: So I have black leggings and one pair of camo leggings.
Colin:....that's it?
Eri: Yeah. That's it.
Colin: Camo leggings it is then.

So a couple accomplishments for this week:
1. I lost 3 pounds. I've stayed at 167 Pounds!

2. I have a closer relationship with other humans now! Woot!
3. I am more motivated to fight for Charlie, and most of all--my overall health. I feel a lot better emotionally since doing this challenge.


Team Jesus Shirt
Camo Leggings
Piggy Socks

Photo Credits to:
Thursday (1/11), Tuesday (1/16), Thursday (1/18): Colin 
Friday (1/12): Mama
Saturday (1/20): My TALL Papa.

Thank you so much!! 



Cook Healthy Food for a Week 



  1. Cooking healthier is my vote
    -your bestie Alden

  2. Run a mile a day. That's my vote. :) - Pumpkin

  3. Your looking great bestie keep it up! Good choice on the clothes colin

    1. Thanks Alden! I will!

      Colin is super stylish! What a talented guy. :)

      Thanks for keeping posted!


  4. Good luck on the challenge bestie! I believe in you!

  5. Good luck on your challenge bestie! I believe in you!


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