7 FAQ For Eri

Hey Guys!
So I have a few questions that came in, and since I will be busy for the majority of the week this is a good challenge.

So Guys, feel free to comment ANYTHING acceptable for a public blog and I will answer it.

See the source image1. What is your most EMBARRASSING childhood memory? --Madeline

When I was in Kindergarten, I had a crush named "Nick F." I LITERALLY don't remember his last name. Hell, I always called him "Nick F." I never called him without the F at the end. I liked him because he had brown hair and he was nice. Yes, that was my reasoning. Anyways, my mom met his mom at the grocery store. She got his address and I sent him a Love Letter. My mom got mad at me and told me to erase it. I erased it, but you could still clearly see what I wrote and I sent it out. I ran outside to the mail box everyday for 3 months. I never got a response. I still cringe to this day.

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2. How many pigeons could you reasonably carry at once? --Colin

First of all. These pigeons gotta be CLEAN. Like, they need to take a long bath. Otherwise, I'm not touching them. Anyways.

I could probably carry one on each shoulder, my head, my two arms, and my hands. So in total: 7 Pigeons. I just pray they wouldn't poop on me. *Cringe*

3. What is your favorite Disney waltz story? Why? --Vhic01

Disney Waltz? That's an interesting question. Well, a Waltz is a type of music used for dance and is usually in 3/4 time. Thus, my choices are limited.
If I were to out of the few choices I do have, I would choose "Once Upon a Dream by Sleeping Beauty." I enjoy the movie Sleeping Beauty and it's pleasant to listen to.

Definition of Waltz:
Waltz: a dance in triple time (3/4) performed by a couple who as a pair turn rhythmically around and around as they progress around the dance floor.

*Usually associated with a ballroom dance or folk song.  

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4.What instrument (that you don't normally play) was the most fun for you to use? --Alden

Ah man! What a hard question. Something I don't NORMALLY play? I would have to say... snare drum. I wasn't much of a drum person, but I'm starting to like my percussion class. It's really fun to practice, even though at first it was really frustrating. It really allows me to focus on my rhythm and improve my skills in that department. Also, rolls are really fun. 

5. Why do u like card captor sakura anime? --Vhic01

I really like Cardcaptor Sakura because I grew up with the series. It is my favorite escape and my favorite adventure. There's not much a reason besides I simply enjoy it. It is my favorite anime for everything it is. I love the art; I love the story.  I love the way that it makes me laugh, cry, excited, angry, and most of all, happy.  I can't choose one reason! 

6. What are your top three favorite books? --Colin 
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My top 3 favorite books:

1. Lady Lollipop by Dick King-Smith
2. Charlotte's Web by E.B.White
3.  The Locker by Richie Tankersley Cusick

Pig books and a horror book. I'm classy.

7. What is your favorite holiday? --Madeline

See the source imageFirst of all, HAPPY EASTER. Unfortunately though, Easter is not my favorite holiday.. I like it a lot though. :)

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. I really enjoy it because its one of the only holidays my family gets together for. Unfortunately, this holiday has been a retail store extravaganza, so I haven't been able to enjoy thanksgiving. Every year I need to be at work earlier and earlier. In my three years of working at the department store the call time was 7 PM (2015), 5 PM (2016) and 3 PM (2017). I have requested it off for 3 years and I still haven't been able to get that day off. Regardless, it is still my favorite holiday for the memories that I was able to have in the past.

Thank you! See you next week!



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