Go Camping Together! July 9-11 2019


So on July 9th to the 11th we decided to visit Mount Rainier.

The weather? Rainy. :c But it was amazing because we got to spend time with great people.

I was in charge of cooking, Colin was in charge of driving, and activities (hiking), Alden was in charge of setting up the tent, and Clarissa was in charge of doing the dishes.

It was very cold, but we had fun regardless. Sorry for the late post, I was waiting for Clarissa to upload the photos.

This is Clarissa and Alden. We had just arrived.

Tea anyone? I made mugicha!

Yum yum yum! Curry!

Woohoo. Fried rice for lunch!

Overall, the hike was a beautiful view.

See you next week!

